Monday, 3 November 2014

Day 2 - Central Bulgaria

Caught the bus from Sofia to Gabrovo in the heart of Bulgaria. Cost 17BGN which is about £7 I guess. Was met by a friend who kindly gave me a lift back to my country retreat nearby.
Watched the first episode of 'The Walking Dead' on the bus, which frankly gave me the willies. 
I've not been to Bulgaria in November before and to be honest, it's a bit parky. Lucky for me I've got my hoody. 

Ive just been settling in for now. Gates to the house have been painted which look good! the electric and hot water both work for once which is a genuine treat! The Stone Martens have vacated the premises (Google it) and a family of rats have apparently replaced them but no sign as yet. At least the old place is being used when I'm absent. Poison in place - well they're not paying any rent! 

Managed to make fire. Always good to know ones primal instincts remain in good order. 


  1. Seem to remember a bit of snow on one occasion when we were both there!

    1. Yes! I remember! Was that November? Anyway, there's snow on the ground right now from last week.
      The place has changed a bit since your last trip...

    2. Yup, 10th November 2007 according to the pictures I have, time we had another visit. Glad you were diving back to the airport and with a foot of snow on the ground the worry was that they wouldn't clear the runway in time for our flight. Bonfire night here and it's turning cold so we'll put our fireworks party on hold!
