Friday, 26 September 2014

Planning Practicalities

Hmmm. There are a few practical tasks that I have very little idea about while on the road, at least in some places. I will no doubt have answers to these questions as I go along.

Washing clothes
I'm not an expert in this field in the UK, let alone abroad. Find a dial setting that runs for about an hour and press the 'on' button. That's about it. There's something about not putting coloury things in with whitey things, but the science of washing isn't something I've ever found the time to research too deeply. As far as doing this abroad is concerned, I'm in the dark. I'm assuming there will be places where people will perform this dark art on ones behalf for a minimal fee. That's plan 'A'. If I have to resort to a local machine, well I won't. It's that simple. I'm not going on holiday to do washing. I'll pay whatever it costs. Emergency underwear plan - wash in sink. I understand one can buy Handwash in extremis. 

Medical Care
I don't take medication, so illness is the only reason to expose my intimate areas to strangers. Will assume that my chosen accommodation will advise. Medical services abroad is something I know nothing about and I don't intend to do any reasearch on it. I have insurance if it comes to it.  

Personal Safety
I'm pretty aware of my surroundings. I know I'm going to a few areas where safety could be an issue. Not that I've revealed this fact to anyone until now. I'm also travelling alone. 
I've thought about this quite a lot and have weighed up the risks. There is no reason why I should get shot by anyone. No-one will know me well enough to take that level of dislike to me. There is no extreme political or religious nonsense in the areas where I'm travelling at present (although historically there has been). But risks remain. 
The political or religious situation could change at any time. A random mugging could happen. I would probably react rather badly to an attempted bag or wallet theft, putting me in potential danger. I could meet the wrong person at the wrong time. All of these are risks relating to any trip at home or abroad, only a little bit more so. I've read a good deal about managing personal risk and most if it is common sense of course. I don't wear jewellery or leave my camera swinging around my neck. I'm a pretty low key individual all told. My risk profile is acceptable. To me. 
Lowering your profile top tip; Avoid flag or effigy burning where possible. They generally have a very low heat to flame ratio and don't last long enough to boil a kettle. 

I have the ability to snore. It's a not so rare gift that, I have found, can irritate a little. It tends to worsen after long binges on alcohol. For the most part, I have booked single accommodation for the benefit of my fellow travellers - at great expense I might add. There will however be occasions where shared accommodation becomes necessary. What to do? I have procured several sets of earplugs which I intend to handout to any who choose to accept. What do other similarly afflicted travellers do? No idea. I'd hate to be kept awake by some Johnny Foreigner playing the nasal bassoon all night. 

I do know I will come across toilet facilities that will shock me to the core. Not just in not just in terms of cleanliness but also in concept and design. Cleanliness (or lack thereof) I can handle no problem (bloke). Form is another question. I couldn't tell you how long ago man discovered the seat, but it's been around a while. How this rudimentary technology hasn't managed to go global, is anyone's guess. I have of course adopted the virtual seat position before and I recall being less than pleased with the results. I've also noted the hosepipe that often accompanies these facilities and never felt compelled to experiment. On that basis, I think I have four options. 1/ Don't eat anything for seven weeks. 2/ Demand that a proper toilet is built immediately or I will take my tourist dollars elsewhere. 3/ Leave all my travel gear behind and just take a toilet strapped to my back. 4/ Grow up and get on with it - May god have mercy upon my soul. Option 2/ is the current favourite.  

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